Messenger: A Novel in 16 Episodes

BONUS: Real-Life Messages Pt. 2

Episode Summary

Listeners/readers share more of their real-life messages.

Episode Notes

Welcome to another bonus episode of MESSENGER! Back in the early episodes, we asked listeners to send in messages that they had received.  We were so excited to receive even more real-life messages from our listeners since our last bonus episode, and we wanted you to hear them!  Just like the other batch, we heard lots of different kinds of stories with a common thread: the messages were life-changing to the receivers.  And just like in MESSENGER the novel, timing is always key.  We hope you enjoy!  


M’s Message:

I sat in a class as the first words out of the professor’s mouth were: “There is an artist within each of us. The purpose of this class is for you to find that creative spirit within you.” His words rolled over me and moved me to the core. By that fall, I’d signed up for my first photography workshop and was on my way. The message from the professor changed my entire life.   

Susan’s Message:

When on a retreat, the last day of it, I sat on my bed feeling sad to go home. Something told me to pray for a friend when I got back home. Within 24 hours of arriving home, someone asked me to invite the friend’s brother to a yoga class I was going to. From that day on, for 11 years until his death, we were together every single day, laughing and having fun.  

Maken46's Message:  

My boss told me I needed another dog so it wouldn’t be so hard on me when my dog, who was 20 years old, left us. A few weeks later, a person in the park saw our bichon and said she had a bichon needing a home. This new dog, Jack, was a perfect companion to our older dog and us. Thanks, Messenger!  

Jo Ellen’s Message:

I have gotten important messages through my dreams. Once I was dreaming that babies died under my care. After hearing my dream, someone asked me if those babies might be me. I was stunned. That was the beginning of my journey learning how to value and know myself, and therefore have the inner strength to support and contribute to others.

Theresa’s Message:

The unexpected source is me. I am a big proponent of dreams and dream analysis. For me, my dreams reflect my current emotional state and what is going on in my life. Not prophetic but present. Last night, I dreamt about ocean waves and writing a pop song that becomes popular. Calm, Empowerment. Power. Career transition.   

David’s Message:  

This message occurred in my late 30’s and turned things for me in a solid direction. I was broke but wanted very badly to drive three hours to visit a girlfriend. I went to a gas station to fill up, and my credit card was rejected. I sat in my car, dejected, deflated, hopeless.   

I prayed to Spirit.   

I got the “thought/question” in my mind, Would you like a dispensation?  

I asked, What is a dispensation?   

The “thought” came back, Do you want a dispensation? Would you like to drive to Charlottesville?   

Of course, I said. Yes!   

Go write a check for the gas.   

I did. I spent the weekend with my girlfriend and somehow had no worries, even knowing I had no money in the bank to cover the check. Early Monday morning, a friend called who was doing roofing, asking if I’d help him for cash at the end of the day. That was a Wow! I tried throughout the day to call the bank but no answer, only to learn from my friend that it was a bank holiday. Wow! I deposited the cash at the night deposit to cover the check. All was well.   

Bill’s Message: 

After law school I spent a number of years in relatively benign public service, then joined a small law firm located at 15th and M NW in Washington DC.  I wasn’t happy and one afternoon I felt a strong, almost overwhelming desire to leave the office and see a movie. At the time there was a cheap theater on Pennsylvania Avenue around 20th Street so I walked to it.  I didn’t recognize any of the offerings.  I opted for a movie I had never heard of, Meetings with Remarkable Men. When the movie was over, I spent close to 15 minutes in near total inner silence—a condition unknown to my normally racing brain.  There was a small brochure with a telephone number on it in the lobby of the theater.  A few weeks later—I called the number.  Someone contacted me and thus began my first adult spiritual training, several years in the Gurdjieff work.   

Ellen’s message: 

I was a young mother with 2 school age children and a three-month-old baby.  Our family had recently moved to a new city, so I was putting our new life together, finding schools, a house and most importantly a cardiologist for my infant.  Katie was born with ventricular septal defect—a hole in the heart. The new cardiologist I found scheduled open heart surgery by her six-month checkup.  I was frozen with fear for my infant.  

One day, I picked up my older children from school and drove to a nearby park which featured a ride on a dinosaur that the older children loved and feared. The dinosaur had become a welcome, familiar face in a new place. I put the baby in her car seat in the play area and began the game of chasing the older children and rocking the baby as I ran past.  I silently prayed, "Please, God, help me."  I screamed the prayer in my head as the children ran and laughed.  

A thin, young boy came into the play space and joined our game as we ran and chased and laughed around the dinosaur.  My older children lost interest in the game and went to play on other equipment.  The young boy sat down with me and said, "You know, I have a hole in my heart, but I can do all the things that other kids do.  Sometimes, I get tired, but I can still play.  I have to go now, my Dad is waiting for me."  

As quickly as he appeared, he was gone.  I sat on the park bench, stunned, crying with joy.  When my older children asked why I was crying. I answered, "The little boy came to tell me your sister is going to be alright."